Health Monitor Network

Extending a trusted brand

One of the most credible authorities at the point of care, Health Monitor Network has the largest network of in-office experiences of video and print in doctors’ offices in 250,000+ medical offices reaching 150+ million patients and caregivers. We worked with them to develop new platforms to reach patients outside of the doctor office.

Developing new content channels

Audio was the next frontier for HMN. We drove a creative development process to add Podcasts to the offering, establishing a series to scale across conditions and sponsors and leveraging HMN’s deep bench of medical experts. We launched “Recently Diagnosed” helping patients manage conditions from breast cancer to cholesterol, and onward.

Creating a new digital foundation

Together, we are building the foundation of a new expansion into digital capabilities, allowing HMN to reach even more patients with a direct to consumer product, servicing a broader audience, creating new sponsor opportunities, and driving revenue growth.